Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bad mommy to the four legged :(

Yep you read right I was a bad mommy today. I noticed Mitzi had some creapy long nails clacking on the tiles today so I made Mitzi "bang" (or play dead):

This is how I've found it best to do maintenance on her such as brushing her teeth, cleaning her ears and clipping her nails. All went well, my clippers have a guard on them and Mitzi is pretty patient with her nails getting clipped so all was going well.... until the LAST TOE.... yep... the LAST one... WHY ME!?!? So the guard fell off just as I was clipping the last to and then snip! off goes a nice sized chunk of her nail... and then the blood. :( man I felt bad

I do have to note that Mitzi is the ONLY dog I've ever come across that didn't yip when I clipped too far... strange patient dog that she is. So I have done this before to other dogs and have used the quick stop that can be bought in the pet stores.... or I'll use a bar of unseated soap if push comes to shove... BUT I didn't have either! So after some quick research (pun intended) I came up with this:

DIY nail Quick stop:
1. Compress and clean the cut nail
2. With a clean rag or paper towel wrap the toe and hold for a couple minutes to slow the flow of blood.

3. Once the blood is no longer gushing mix equal parts baking soda and corn starch together and pack it around the nail:

4. Leave the mixture on the nail and compress for a few more minutes

5. Dust off the foot, but DON'T dust off where the mixture has caked around the nail. (this will come off naturally when the nail gets a natural scab. It will look like this:

6. Finally don't let your pup move for the next half hour at least. Disturbing the foot can knock off the caked mixture and reopen the wound on the toe and that leads to more blood! Luckily Mitzi is really good at playing dead (if I make her stay like this she ends up taking a nap so it works out).

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow poor gal! But the corn starch and baking soda is genius. Where do people find out these hone remedies? I swear baking soda can be used in practically everything. Glad to hear Mitzi is doing okay, though :)
