Sunday, June 10, 2012

We adopted a Kitten!

Hey all, so some of you who know me personally know that I just graduated with my masters and moved down to a new city with my husband. In conjunction with that it turned out that our schedules became opposite: ie I wake up for work when he comes home from work and I get home from work when he is leaving to go to work.
With this in mind, my husband was also trying to figure out a graduation gift for me. Right around this time a friend of his mother's who helps an organization called "Friend's for Life" started fostering a group of abandoned farel kittens. After we played with them for a couple weekends, my hubby and I discussed getting one and bringing it to our new apartment to keep either of us company with the other was at work.

So about two weeks ago we adopted Colby Jack (CJ for short) and got him fixed last week. He is an interesting kitty and I am on a learning curve now (from previous posts you can see most of my animal interactions are with dogs) as I learn his temperments. Right now his days consist of running around like a crazy kitten when he is awake and crashing just about any where when he is tired (laundry included). So here are a few pics of his first few weeks with us and there are sure more to come!


There is still some training involved.... lesson one: don't eat my books...

 MMMM Tails taste good :) 

Here is where I show you all how he seems to fall asleep anywhere.. laundry included...

And right after ironing my cloths for work... yep he claimed them before I could hang them up!

Continuation of places to nap: 

In front of the fire place

On the table cloth my grandmother made us....

Tucked in a blanket after playing

Claiming said blanket and making it into a nest with his favorite squirrel (that he stole from me too)...

After an invigorating game of tennis: 

With his daddy in the middle of playing chase the laser pointer (as you can see his dad fell asleep too) 

In the middle of a photo shoot: 

But when he is awake, he is supper fun to watch and play with!

 And Have I mentioned photogenic? 

And to finish, here he is in his newest toy: his cat tree (we got kind of tired of him climbing all over the couches) 

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