Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Raising up Stones Online Bible Study

So since I've almost completed my month of being a house wife I have been super busy. However I was hoping I could get involved in a women's Bible study or a Bible study of any kind. My spiritual growth was one of the reasons I left my work. I was lacking that connection and fellowship with other Christians and was in search of a group of ladies like myself. Unfortunately my awesome church doesn't do woman's Bible studies during the summer to allow families to be free to go on vacations so my very good friend introduced me to a great blog called: Raising up stones. Her posts are very encouraging and help me have a focus through the week.

Recently she added an online bible study on her Facebook page that is set to start July 7th and go through August 25th. The book we will be going through is Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst. Through this timeline I'm hoping to approach dealing with my emotions, both inward and outwardly in a more Godly way. I'm Italian so I tend to be over the top with my emotions and often lack the filter with my outward thoughts when I'm unhappy. Hopefully I'll be able to put some sort of block in front of my thoughts and maybe even approach situations inwardly where I'm not stewing like crazy.

I'll keep you all posted! And if you'd like to partake please click on the link above and join too!!


  1. Can't wait to start this. I need to order my book

  2. You might need to get me a copy too sister ��
